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Vol. 19 [1] May 2011

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The Official Newsletter of the Materials Writers, a JALT Special Interest Group

Views of the path from proposal to publication:

Kelly’s Rules of Thumb for Getting Published


Curtis Kelly

Kansai University

Getting published. Like I should know. But then again, maybe I do. The question is whether the 20 or 30 books I’ve worked on has led to knowledge or not (the variance depends whether you count teacher’s manuals, 2nd editions, or that one single exercise I wrote for a book, etc.). I suspect not, so take these rules of thumb as speculation. Maybe what counts more are the facts that: 1) I’ve had some other ten or so books rejected, and 2) I’ve worked with a whopping number of publishers, at least ten, including all the big ones. So, whether you choose to consider the following as sage advice, speculation or delusion (probably all apply) here are my observations on publishing:

Well, I hope this helps, and I’d love to hear what you have to say on this interesting topic too.

Curtis Kelly (EDD), a professor at Kansai University. He coauthored Significant Scribbles (Pearson-Longman), The Snoop Detective School Conversation Book (Macmillan), Surechigai 100 (Sanseido), two chapters in an Oxford book on Japanese colleges, the Writing from Within series (Cambridge), Active Skills for Communication (Cengage), and a bunch of others.