The Newsletter of the Materials Writers
JALT Special Interest Group
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Volume 15[3] December 2007
Working Together
Coordinator Jim Smiley
Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University

Happy New Year, Materials Writers!

I wish you the very best of for the coming year.
May your pens always be ready.
May your imaginations always be fresh.
And may your products be successful or not as the need dictates.

Welcome to what is labelled the final issue of 2007. At the recent AGM, there was a slight changing of the guard, and I heartily welcome Kristofer Bayne as our new Publications Chair. Also, a warm welcome to Suzy Conner who is looking after our Records replacing Daniel Droukis (Thanks Dan!). Derek Di Matteo's work as layout editor will be sorely missed (Thank you, Derek!), but I will be taking care of that position in tandem with the coordinator duties. Scott Peterson remains our trusty treasurer. Likewise, Cameron Romney stays our Membership Chair, and Greg Goodmacher continues to look after our Programmes. Treasurer, Membership, Programmes, Records and Coordinator are all elected positions and we are the ones who direct policy in matters affecting your/ our group. If you wish to have your opinion included, please feel free as the voice of our membership is surely the most important one. Last, but not least, is John Daly who maintains the Yahoo! Group mailing list, one of our most treasured resources.

You will notice that this issue comes in two versions: the now-usual PDF downloadable print version, and this web version. I felt that there were a lot of differences between the screen and print and thought that the benefits of the web could be brought to our rag. The principle design aim of this site is to present our content in a usable and readable format. Please let me know your opinions on this, too. Without your input, changes for the better will be based on the intuition of a few and guesswork.

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